Sunday, February 3, 2008

Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

What is Acid Reflux?
Acid Reflux is a condition caused when acid produced by the stomach to digest the food flows back to the oesophagus, causing a burning sensation in Chest.
Natural Remedies For Acid Reflux

Do any drugs like Prilosec or Nexium come to your mind. Think it twice, these drugs actually reduce the quantity of acid used for digestion. If this is so who will digest the food. I never mean that you should not use those drugs but why not follow some of the natural remedies for acid reflux first. If not cured get back to a doctor.

So here is the the list of some elements which can be used as natural remedies for acid reflux

1) Water :
This natural remedy for acid reflux works for almost every one with the condition. Drink a lot of filtered water to stay hydrated. Water functions in balancing the acid levels in stomach. Get into a diet which will have a lot of juices.
2) Garlic : Garlic should be crushed first, either chew it or use crush it before intake. It should be fresh as well. Garlic kills some of the bacteria which may result inflammation and are not generally killed by other means. Beside Garlic will benefit you beyond being natural remedy of acid reflux as it is rich probiotic supplier.
3) Artemisia Asiatica : Reports say that this herb has worked for some people.

If you have tried all the above natural remedies for acid reflux and still your condition remains same. I suggest its time for you to seek and doctor.

1 comment:

  1. great post! I suffered from acid reflux for a long time and eventually underwent acid reflux surgery. I did get some reflief but I experienced terrible side effects. I have discovered much more effective remedies since my surgery. I just wish I had learned more about natural remedies before my surgery.
