Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bedroom and Health

We always try making our bedroom look good by using modern bedroom furniture, furniture sets and decorate our kids bedroom. But here are some beliefs about bed and our health.
Bedroom is one of the most important room of a house where we spend most of our time. So it is important to be known about the beliefs related to bed and health. It has been thought of for a long time that the bed holds the energy of the person who has slept on it and can be passed to a person who sleeps on it after.

So it is important to place your bed in a power position! Power Position? What does it mean. Power position of the bed is related to the location of door and bed.

1) Your bed should be placed at such a position that it should have a clear view of the door.
Belief : It will keep you safe from unwanted surprises.
2) Generally bed should be placed diagonally opposite to door.
Belief: The more of the room you can see, the more control over the life you feel.
3) The bed should not be placed so that the bedroom door and the bed are in line.
Belief: Energy coming through door can cause bad health or even split relationship. Never let your bed position to be such that your foot points towards the door. This is considered as the worst case.

So when would be it ideal to buy a new bed and start fresh with new energy, leaving behind the old one? If one of your bed mates have been ill, or you are moving to a new house or you want to start a new relationship is the answer.

Tips: Never buy a second hand bed as it will possess the energy of all the previous sleepers.

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