Thursday, January 17, 2008

Chillies Health Benefits

Chillies! Chillies! Haa Haa thing! Yes every thing has its own role in maintaining one's health so do the chillies. Chillies can provide 7 times more vitamin C than a orange. Chillies provide Vitamin A, B , C and E. Chillies also provide minerals like molybdenum, manganese, folate, potassium, thiamin, and copper.

Health Benefits of Chillies:
1) Pain Killer : Chillies cause the release of natural pain killers called endorphins.
2) Increases Metabolism : Chillies help in digestion of food, by detoxicating gastrointestines.
3) Releases Nasal Congestion :
4) Discourage Blood Clots : If there is an internal blood clot blocking the flow of blood to cerebral tissues, Cayenne clears the way for the blood flow to the required parts.
5) Anti-inflammatory Agent :
6) A
ntibiotics :
Chillies has a property to increase the flow of fresh blood to the infected areas, thus bringing in more and more WBC's ( White Blood Cells ) to fight the infection.
7) Prevents Cancer.
8) Stimulates the Circulation of Blood.
9) Aids in Digestion.

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